Stahl Ratte – Sailing on the Steel Rat

StahlRatte website – Sailing on the Steel Rat

Booking-center: For availability and reservation please contact

Stahlratte – Sailing Panama Colombia Cuba and Mexico

Ship Spotting route: Berlin – Germany – Boats to Colombia

View the latest images, news, price & similar yachts for charter to STAHLRATTE

It is possible to change your booking to another departure. Some Opinions on Stahlratte – TOUR DESCRIPTIONS also With Motorcycle:

CUBA Mexico Jamaica Providencia – PC Sailing – Sailing around the Darien Gap – Cartagena – San Blas – NO PLANS AFTER THAT SO FAR…

Life on onboard- tour description – life on the ship – StahlRatte Yacht


Check the Tour Plan for location of the boat – SMS & Satellite Phone

On board:
00870773161014 (2 Euro per Min.!!!)

Contact Address in Germany:
Peter Görtz
Muskauer 45
10997 Berlin

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